
Hiking El Corazón

We began our day around 7AM, awaking for breakfast at the Andes Alpes Hostal. We packed our things and headed out around 7:30, arriving at the entrance at 8AM on the dot. We arrived at the gate even before the gatekeeper arrived there. After paying the 2$ entrance fee, we continued on, driving uphill to […]

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Half Day in Ilinizas Reserve

While we only spent a couple hours exploring the Ilinizas Ecological Reserve its clear that there is so much to see here. We spent around 30 minutes hiking into the reserve. On our way in from the parking lot, our group ran into a Shaman, travelling with an Ecuadorian family. He asked Fernando Iza where

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Day Trip in Alausí

If one has the time when visiting Ecuador, a visit to the small city of Alausí is definitely one that should be made, and organizing this day trip with Cotopaxi-Travel could not have been easier. Situated in the province of Chimborazo, this city boasts a population of 45,000. Visiting in the beginning of January, the

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