
La Iglesia de Balbanera se encuentra ubicada muy cerca de Colta, entre las carreteras que conducen a Cuenca y a Riobamba, concretamente, junto a la Laguna de Colta. Los europeos escogieron esta llanura para construir la primera iglesia católica de la Real Audiencia de Quito, destinada a la adoración de la Virgen María como recuerdo …

Cajas National Park Day Activity

In between our travels of the cities located in Ecuador, on a tour organized by Cotopaxi-Travel, our group stopped to take a hike through the beautiful Cajas National Park, located in the province of Azuay. Our guide, Fernando Iza, dropped us on the path, right off the highway. We slowly meandered through this highland, observing …

Cuenca in 2 Days

After our relaxing day visiting Ingapirca, we continued travelling towards Cuenca. After dropping our things off at Nuestra Residencia, a charming and quiet hotel alongside the Tomebamba River, we headed to dinner in the city center. Here, we feasted on fresh shrimp, accompanied with rice and vegetables. The next morning, we woke early, had a …

Day Trip at Ingapirca

If passing through, the town of Ingapirca is definitely worth exploring. I booked this day trip with Cotopaxi-Travel. Located close to Cuenca, it is possible to make this a half day trip outside of Cuenca. Possessing ancient ruins of the Incans and the indigenous Cañari peoples, it is possible to take an hour-long tour through …